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Take Off: a Series

Dimitra Colovos

The most important lessons I have learned in life have never been in school. My family, friends, and life itself have taught me the most valuable tokens of knowledge I hold. Through my weak 16 years of life experience, I have been blessed to be passionate about the key teacher in my life: travel. Tomorrow I will embark on what I imagine will be the most invigorating adventure of my life, a 28 day trip to Europe. Eager is not a strong enough word to describe how I feel about leaving and exploring three new countries to me- France, Spain, and Greece. As I'm sure I will want to document every moment of this trip so I can escape reality by just picking up my travel journal once I am home, I am packing my moleskin and quite a few pens with the intention of transferring each entry onto this blog. Due to connection and time when I am traveling, I am not sure how consistent and logically scheduled these posts will be, but I will do my best to stay caught up with my posts. I am beyond grateful for my parents teaching me the value of travel and for the experience that is about to come. Now comes the time to take off on the first leg of my greatest life lesson.

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