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Who Is There for You When No One Else Is.

Dimitra Colovos

Whether you're a mint chocolate chip or a plain vanilla type of person, whether you prefer Haagan-Dazs or Ben & Jerry's, whether you choose a bowl or a cone, we can all agree there is a time and place in life for ice cream. Often, this time is not considered to be winter. Although the weather outside is cold and miserable, ice cream is simply just cold and not the latter. Ice cream is a true crutch in life, and it would only be unfair to forget about it as we move further away from summer months.

Ice cream is more versatile than our favorite pair of jeans. Ice cream is both the remedy in our troubled personal lives, and the glue in our social lives. Ice cream is there for you when you're sad, when that sugar and dairy seems to solve all your problems that even listening to your favorite song cannot seem to solve. But ice cream is also there for you when you're happy, when you're beyond proud of yourself for reaching the goal you were striving towards, and you cannot imagine a sweeter incentive. Ice cream is a pat on the back. But also, ice cream is for the people. Several people can go from acquaintances to friends as they each dip their spoon into the same carton during late night conversations at sleepovers. Suddenly everyone on their summer afternoon stroll has something in common as each hand is occupied by a dripping cone. Ice cream is fitting for every mood. When you're hungry, and even when you aren't, the treat always is just that- a treat. Ice cream is a time machine. Even one drop on our taste buds has the ability to bring us back to happier times, just when we thought we couldn't even remember what sunshine felt like as it warmed our skin. There are many topics and questions the world has to discuss and answer, but I thought I should shed some light on my area of expertise. Of course everything should be taken in moderation, but there is no reason to cheat yourself out of a reward you've earned. Stop telling yourself you don't deserve the dessert, that little white lie can't hurt anybody (besides your diet, maybe). Stop discriminating against ice cream during the winter, the treat is truly happiness in a container. And above all, stop lying to yourself and saying you like non-dairy ice cream, everyone knows that can't be true.

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