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A Message from Your Class President

Dimitra Colovos

Dear Students,

We are all aware that no amount of inspirational Instagram quotes can fix this situation, so I don't have a reason for you to trust a class president any more. But this feels like my civic duty. Here is my message to you:

Two days ago we heard some news from our governor. I'm not going to decide whether it's good or bad for you, everyone's response to no longer having the tail end of our 2019-2020 school year is different. But I can say with certainty this news was life-changing and will be historic. I am tempted to make this message to just the seniors, but it is clear everyone is affected by this unprecedented time. Please remember grief is relative and this is not a competition for who struggles most from this loss of time. However, I know the pain of losing these last senior months, and my seniors came to mind first.

I believe this time can be marked as a moment when we all realized just how much we were taking for granted. It was easy to complain about school lunches and the noise of the lunchroom until you missed your final opportunity to start that food fight like you always swore you would. Or until you realized it was the only time of day you could always count on your friends asking how your quiz went or complimenting your outfit. You complained about your teachers because they gave you homework and took your phone, but now they're the ones you will miss getting to say goodbye to; they made your high school experience what it was.

It's easy to get lost in these what-ifs and mull over what you would've done if you knew your last day was your last day.

But I'm here to remind you your goodbyes don't define what made them so difficult to say. Your school will still miss you like you will miss it, we all had our place. Whether or not you get the acknowledgement for it, you still put in the hours and effort you did. Even without the celebration of hitting snooze for the last time, you still dragged yourself out of bed every day that you showed up. Even without admitting that you loved their class on the last day, your teachers still appreciated your questions asked and presence in their room. No amount of time cut short or lack of "lasts" to feel like it all mattered can change what you did with the time while you had it. Although you might not have the senior prank or hand print on a ceiling tile as the bow that wraps all this time together, you still had the present underneath of memories with classmates and friends from days prior--the same days that we used to wish away towards summer and graduation.

So don't regret not getting to walk down those fluorescent halls one more time. Those halls still brought you the smiles of classmates that brightened your day, or maybe even the person you swore was the love of your life. Don't regret not getting to spend one more passing time at your locker with your best friend, try to instead remember that you'll still move forward with that best friend, just minus fighting over who jammed the locker.

And lastly, my performers. Whether you're an athlete or member of the arts or clubs with one last season and big performance, having that last season, big game day, senior night, and banquet taken away from you is hard. But that program shaped you. You can't take away the lessons learned or time put in to becoming the best you could at that activity. Mourn the loss of this last season, and let it make you prouder of what you managed to accomplish on that field, stage, or court in your shortened time.

On the bright side, remain thankful this means you didn't peak in high school.

We will grow through this, together. You're still who you are, only even more deserving of your celebration now. Stay strong and proud. Your time will come.


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